Hi Juan
Il giorno mer, 04/10/2017 alle 13.56 +0200, Juan Orti Alcaine ha
> Hi,
> My Firefox has been upgraded to version 56 (F26) and I cannot use
> flash pages any more. I have the addon installed and in click-to-play
> mode, but I just get an empty space. Is it a bug? I though flash is
> still going to be supported until 2020.

It works for me.
I installed in this moment the flash plugin because I didn't done

What is the result of
# dnf list flash-plugin

I enabled the Adobe repo for 64 bit with this commands:

# rpm -ivh 
# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux
# dnf install flash-plugin

I tested the plugin on this page: https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html

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