On 09/17/17 22:24, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 09/17/17 22:11, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 3:59 PM
>>> From: "Ed Greshko" <ed.gres...@gmail.com>
>>> To: users@lists.fedoraproject.org
>>> Subject: Re: gnome
>>> On 09/17/17 21:46, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>>>> I knonw that many people do not like gnome (org)!!
>>>> However,
>>>> In fc26 I cannot remove the bottom panel
>>> Please try to be specific!
>>> From your previous message you indicated you're now running "Gnome 
>>> Classic".  True?
>>> "Gnome Classic" does not equal "Gnome".   I've not used "Gnome Classic" in 
>>> a long
>>> time.  But isn't the bottom panel a place where you can easily switch 
>>> between
>>> "Workspaces"?  You don't like that?
>> Yes, but in a normal behavior, I have the worspaces displayed on the right 
>> bottom.
>> With this laptop, it only displays 1/8 or 2/8, etc. but it does not display
>> the workspaces (and I cannot click on the right one).
>> This behavior may be the default one (then, how can I remove the bar?).
>> Actually, the behavior that I described is that of frippery (which is 
>> installed).
>> I tried classic and xorg.
> I do not know what frippery is.  So, I looked it up.  It isn't provided by 
> Fedora. 
> So, maybe ask those folks for help. 
> Standard Gnome does not have a bar at the bottom.
> Anyway, since I don't use Gnome I shouldn't be trying to help.  But, please be
> specific  when you are relating problems.

Oh, but do go to their website http://frippery.org/extensions/ and note the 
where it tells it it doesn't work in Classic.

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