Per [1], I was seeing tons of audit messages listed in logwatch reports.
(My patch fixes that, btw.)  My actual question is why I wasn't seeing
those messages in my old (old) F20 logwatch reports, but did see:

 --------------------- Kernel Audit Begin ------------------------

 **Unmatched Entries**
  enabled 0
  flag 1
  pid 0
  rate_limit 0
  backlog_limit 320
  lost 0
  backlog 0
  backlog_wait_time 60000

instead.  Is this your experience, that some upgrade started giving
tons of audit messages?

I think that previously, when logwatch looked at the logfiles, it was
misconfigured to not use /var/log/audit/audit.log, but instead:

    LogFile = modsecurity2/modsec_audit.log

and what I saw came from /var/log/messages (not sure why).  Now
logwatch looks at the journal (that's the format of the lines I see)
and is actually able to report audit issues.


TonyN.:'                       <>
      '                              <>
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