On 08/28/2017 05:16 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 08/28/2017 03:27 PM, Christopher wrote:
>> One interesting thing I noticed with this: if I hit "Backspace" a few times 
>> before
>> typing the password, it seems to work on the first attempt. For some reason,
>> something seems to be polluting the input buffer during boot, which makes it 
>> behave
>> as a wrong password on the first attempt. Not sure what that could be. Also, 
>> I
>> still have no idea why it requires two subsequent attempts after that to 
>> decrypt,
>> instead of the expected one.
> This may or may not be your issue.  So, just something to consider.
> A few years ago I had the same problem not with encrypted partitions but with 
> the
> login at the GUI prompt (I was using KDM back then)  after boot.  I had to 
> remember
> to hit backspace a few times otherwise it would tell me the password was 
> wrong.  I
> have a wireless USB keyboard and it turned out to be the problem with the USB
> receiver.  Replacing that fixed the issue.
Just a "funny" note here.  I had to replace my keyboard due to "cat abuse".  
my old keyboard which had a dedicated power switch this one will go to sleep 
after a
time.  So, now I have to remember to hit any key if it has been idle for a 
time.  The
first key stroke only wakes up the keyboard and does not generate an event.

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