On 08/22/2017 07:36 AM, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> Yes, it should be, but the question is still valid.  You *should* get this 
> response:
> $ which goto
> goto: shell built-in command.
> If that's not the response you get, the result might be informative.

FWIW, you only get that result if the shell you are running is csh.

egreshko@meimei ~]$ echo $0

[egreshko@meimei ~]$ which goto
/usr/bin/which: no goto in

[egreshko@meimei ~]$ csh
[egreshko@meimei ~]$ echo $0

[egreshko@meimei ~]$ which goto
goto: shell built-in command.

> You seem to be scolding/yelling at Patrick, which would be rude. Just a tip: 
> we're
> all here to help each other, and we should all make an effort to be pleasant.


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