On 07/22/17 04:52, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> Evolution (evolution-3.24.4-1.fc26.x86_64, but it has been happening
> for a while) shows that I have 3508 messages in my Sent Items folder
> for an EWS account, but the message window only shows about 35
> messages. The latest is from July 16 and the oldest is from 2016-02-21. 
> Clicking Send/Receive or Refresh on the Sent Items folder does not seem
> to have any effect. The Web interface to the account shows all the
> messages.
> Has anyone run into this? How can I diagnose the issue? Is there a way
> to force a complete re-sync short of deleting the account and
> recreating it?

What does EWS mean?   Maybe I should know....but I don't.

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