Allegedly, on or about 17 July 2017, Daniel Miranda sent:
> When I press the slash/question-mark (on a PT-BR keyboard) key while
> focused into a window, or when pressing backspace to erase that slash
> immediately afterwards, X11 will freeze for about a second consuming
> 100% CPU. No other key causes the same behavior, not even the slash
> key from the numeric keypad. I can observe the issue in GTK2, GTK3, Qt
> and custom applications (such as Chrome and Firefox), but I cannot
> reproduce the behavior when sending inputs to `xev` for observation.
> Even GDM is afflicted when typing my user password, before ever having
> logged in. 

Has it been set as the compose key?

e.g. If you type /ae does it turn into: æ

Not that /that/ would explain the 100% CPU pinning, but could explain
why the slash is being treated differently from other keys.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64 
(always current details of the computer that I'm writing this email on)

Boilerplate:  All mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted, there is
no point trying to privately email me, I only get to see the messages
posted to the mailing list.

I'd just like to say that vinyl record crackles and pops are far less
annoying than digigigigital mu-u-u-u-usic hiccicicicups and
yooo-----------------u tu-----be ....... pauses.

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