You could try running ldd with the path to acroread as an arg and see if it says some libraries are not found. If the only problem is missing libraries, perhaps you could get them from an older fedora where acroread worked (or they might be in the repos still, but you just don't have them installed). _______________________________________________ users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to
- Adobe Acrobat & F26 Max Pyziur
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Neal Becker
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Tom Horsley
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 antonio montagnani
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Joe Zeff
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Antonio M
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Rick Stevens
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Chris Adams
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Marc Blanc
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F... Antonio M
- Re: Adobe Acrobat & F26 Tom Horsley
- Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Adobe Acrobat &... Wells, Roger K.
- Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Adobe Acrob... Max Pyziur