On 11 July 2017 at 21:33, William <mattison.compu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Good evening, > > A few years ago, I found a web site "https://www.av-test.org" when trying > to find comparisons of windows-7 anti-virus software. I more recently > re-visited that site, and found an article on Linux and anti-virus software > for Linux. It's here: > "https://www.av-test.org/en/news/news-single-view/linux-16- > security-packages-against-windows-and-linux-malware-put-to-the-test/". > > I have a few questions for this list: > 1. How independent and objective is the group doing these tests, > comparisons, and evaluations? This is important for knowing just how much > weight to give what they say. > 2. If you've had any experience with any of the anti-virus packages > reported on in that article, especially those that received high scores for > workstations, what is your review of that/those packages? > > I do see that this article is nearly 2 years old. And I do realize that > nothing gives me 100% protection or detection. > Given that the US government has limited use of Kaspersky software ( https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-kasperskylab-idUSKBN19W2W2), reviews of AV software should mention known ties to national government agencies. Careful people shouldn't use tools they or a trusted agent didn't build from source, and should be careful about where they get database updates. -- George N. White III <aa...@chebucto.ns.ca> Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
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