On 07/11/2017 12:34 PM, Ian Pilcher wrote:
On 07/11/2017 11:59 AM, Sherman Grunewagen wrote:
Two questions:

(1) Is anyone here running a late version of Fedora on the new
     Dell Precision 7520 (or 5520)?

I'm running Fedora 25 on a Precision 5520.  I did get the Core i5 CPU
and the 1080p screen, because I didn't want to mess with NVIDIA drivers
and/or Optimus.

Thanks Ian! I will get the i7 with a 1080p screen, but I _did_ order the Nvidia 
Dell told me that with Ubuntu loaded, they've set the Bios to lock onto the 
card all the time, so Optimus should not be an issue.  Also, I've never had 
using the nvidia driver via "akmods" and "akmod-nvidia" from rpmfusion.
Hope I don't have to eat my words.

(2) I ordered the 7520 with a cheap disk drive.  It will come with Ubuntu 
     I intend to replace the drive with a M.2 PCIe 1TB SSD card (Samsung PM961).
     How do I do a "disk copy" to the SDD so that the machine will boot Ubuntu 
from it?
     (Once I confirm things are working, I will blow away Ubuntu and install 
F25 if
     the answer to (1) is not negative.

The easiest way will be to boot from a "live CD" on a USB thumdrive and
copy the disk contents (or significant parts thereof) to a USB SDD or
over the network.

Sorry, I'm not understanding. What's the USB SSD doing?
The machine comes with Ubuntu installed
on a 1TB conventional disk.  I want to do something like a "disk copy"
to the M.2 PCIe 1TB SSD which I've ordered from Amazon.
I suppose it must be installed in the machine to do this.

I'm thinking about pulling the conventional drive out and putting
it in a USB disk dock I have.  Then with the M.2 SSD installed, booting
off a live CD USB as you suggested.  Then I'd use "rsync" (if the live CD has 
to copy the Ubuntu system to a small partition I would make on the M.2.
Does that sound reasonable?

The only part I'm not sure about is getting the machine to boot off the M.2 SSD.
I'm a total novice with grub2.


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