On 07/01/17 09:14, William Oliver wrote:
> On Sat, 2017-07-01 at 10:23 +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>> [snip]
>> If you cannot set up a key on the foreign machine ahead of time, yes
>> stick your 
>> "travelling" key on a USB stick and use it. That way you can revoke
>> it if 
>> somehow it gets comprimised.
>> Cheers,
>> Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
> You know, I don't like to sound stupid, but I've tried to set this up,
> and I've never gotten it to work reliably. Inevitably I get frustrated
> and go back to password based ssh.  Is there an Idiot's Guide to
> setting this up somewhere?

Not sure where you are getting "stuck" but you can google "using ssh keys' for 
pointers.  Or you can go to
.  It is "old" but still valid.

What you need to take with you is your private key (id_rsa).  But if you use a
"traveling" id it should have been created with a password in the case where you
leave it unattended.  :-)

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