On 06/30/17 09:10, jdow wrote:
> A rule like this makes cracking your 123456 password a whole lot harder 
> without
> changing anything else.
> iptables -t filter -A IN_public_deny -p tcp --dport pop3s --syn -m recent 
> --name
> pop3s_attack --rcheck --seconds 90 --hitcount 2 -j LOG --log-prefix 'SSH2 
> --log-level info
> The magic is in "-m recent --rcheck --seconds 90 --hitcount 2". That means any
> given site gets one chance to login before facing a 90 second blockage. If 
> they
> have to guess "AZBYCXDW" as a password you can imagine how long you have to 
> catch
> him in your log and explicitly block his whole subnet. 

I once did rate limiting on brute force login attempts.  But I found that all 
attempts were scripted.  So instead of an attack from a single IP address 
for a minute or so the attack simply went on for hours.  The same number of 
were made.

I didn't manually check my logs.  I left that to an automated process.

But I got tired of setting all that up for systems that were temporary in my
environment but yet required full access when I was not physically present.

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