On 06/29/2017 06:24 PM, Doug wrote:
I tried to write this command to a root console in PCLInuxOS, but it got rejected.

[root@linux1 doug]# iptables -t filter -A IN_public_deny -p tcp --dport pop3s --syn -m recent --name pop3s_attack --rcheck --seconds 90 --hitcount 2 -j LOG --log-prefix 'SSH2 REJECT: ' --log-level info
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

Obviously I'm doing something wrong. Do I need some file installed first?
If so, what file? Can you help me, please?

Just ignore all this iptables stuff. It is not at all useful for you. Open the firewall configuration tool. In the Public zone, uncheck the ssh service. Then in the Options menu, select "Runtime to Permanent" to save the configuration change. That's all you need to do. By default the firewall is quite secure, it just leaves the ssh port open.
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