On 2017-06-27 11:02, fred roller wrote:
This link will get you the win10 .iso image to burn, should be free of


Virtual software on Fedora is free of charge.  For simple programs you
should not need a stand alone system.  If, however, you do need a full
system then there are plenty of refirbs for cheap.

-- Fred

Cool! I just downloaded and installed it. It installed without a hitch with Virtualbox, though Microsoft insisted I create an account -- which I've never done before. I didn't know that Win 10 was free from Microsoft.

It's funny, I started using Linux back 20 years ago or so. Back then, you always had to have a copy of Windows on your box because there was always *something* that wouldn't work or run or whatever. Over the years, I've slowly used Windows less and less, and this last time I installed, I didn't bother making my machine dual boot -- I never "have" to go to Windows, except for font issues in presentations and such for compatibility at meetings. My brother-in-law was having problems with his laptop the other day and asked me to help him.

It was running Windows 10. I turned it on and could hardly recognize it. I didn't know where anything was. It took me over two hours of reading tutorials and doing searches to make enough sense of things and get him going (after all, tasks are tasks no matter what your OS is...) . And even then I still don't know how to do a number of system things that I used to be able to do as late as Windows 7. I told myself I really ought to get a book on Windows 10 administration and get on the ball, but my eyes just glazed over. I thought systemd was adding too much complexity and too many layers of BS. It's got nothing on Microsoft. Windows 10 seems pretty opaque to me.

But there it is, sitting in a window.  Thanks for the link.

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