> First, I can't see how any of the 3 packages updated would be in any way 
> responsible.

> I assume you've already booted at least once more.

I tried 3-4 times.

> Have you also re-seated video
> cables?  I've had unexplained video issues cleared up by doing that.

The screen is not the issue because I get the ssdm login screen perfectly well.
Also it's a laptop with an external screen. I have tested with and
without the external screen plug-in, same behaviour.

> You haven't accidentally tried to open a Plasma KDE session under wayland, 
> have you?

I do not know wayland. I do not know how to open plasma under wayland.

> Is your Logon session set to "Restore Previous Session", "Restore Manually 
> Saved
> Session", or "Start Empty Session"?

I do not remember. I turned the computer off automatically after
backup. When I leave, I open a terminal, su to root, run dnf update,
run my backup command followed by "; shutdown" so that the computer
turns off automatically.

I tried to launch systemsettings5 from another computer but I get a
buggy window:
$ ssh -X alpha systemsettings5
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

> Since you can get to a text terminal.  Have you tried creating another user 
> and then
> logging in as that user?

just done it, same problem with the new user

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