Allegedly, on or about 15 June 2017, Robert Moskowitz sent:
> ps -eF --headers | grep rgm|grep libre
> rgm       1989  1923  0 49269    52   0 Jun08 ?        00:00:02 
> /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/oosplash --calc
> rgm       2004  1989  0 1203439 94488 0 Jun08 ?        00:23:38 
> /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin --calc --splash-pipe=5
> rgm      21775 16594  0  2683   980   0 00:46 pts/4    00:00:00 grep 
> --color=auto libre
> 2004, I tried to kill before...
> And 1989 was the magic ticket.  Killed it and the windows disappeared 
> and 2004 and 21775 disappeared.
> So now I have to add this to my tricks list for the next time.... 

For situations like that, I rather like the "killall" command.  Instead
of me having to find all the Firefox, for example, instances that are
jamming, and all their process ids, then issue commands per id (usually
the smallest id takes the lot out, but not always).  I can issue
"killall firefox" a few times, until it dies and I see a "no process
found" response (no more of them to kill).  Though usually once is
enough.  It also takes a "-9" parameter, for the times that you need a
"when I say 'woh' I mean 'woh'!" command.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64 
(always current details of the computer that I'm writing this email on)

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no point trying to privately email me, I only get to see the messages
posted to the mailing list.

Windows (TM) [Typhoid Mary]. They refuse to believe that there's
anything wrong with it, but everyone else knows Windows is a disease
that spreads.

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