Allegedly, on or about 12 June 2017, Walter H. sent:
> which Domain do you use for local?

Back to the general question...

I'd certainly like to see .lan reserved as for use with private LANs, on
normal DNS/DHCP that the user can control, as opposed to things
like .local being under automatic machine control with auto random IP
allocation (the two, zeroconf and DHCP, are not co-operative).

If ZeroConf, DHCP, and DNS could all be integrated, then it wouldn't be
a problem.  Your server would auto-reallocate the same names per device
by set or rules, or randomly for new devices, and queries for either
resolving system would work.

I've seen .home used by some domestic modem/routers.  You can usually
control them to some degree, or at least turn it off.  I seem to recall
that recent versions of Windows used it as a home domain, much the same
ways as Linux uses .localdomain.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64 
(always current details of the computer that I'm writing this email on)

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posted to the mailing list.

Ha ha ha ha... (I couldn't think of a good joke, so I supplied a laugh
track, instead.)

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