On 06/11/17 18:40, Daniel Krebs wrote:
> I'm struggling to configure the audio output of my Fedora 25
> installation. I'd like to find a way to easily switch between front
> audio (headphones) and line out in Gnome Shell without physically
> plugging/unplugging any jacks.
> So to clarify my setup is as followed (on ASUS PRIME B350-PLUS
> Mainboard with  Realtek ALC887 Audio Codec):
> * Headphones connected to the front headphone jack of my case via
> internal mainboard header
> * Amplifier connected to green jack on the mainboards backpanel
> When both, amp and headphones, are connected, the sound is only played
> via headphones. In the Gnome audio settings the the line out output
> device disappears and there is only the headphones output device.
> Then I used alsamixer so change "Auto-Mute Mode" from [Enabled] to
> [Disabled]. This way sound is played via amp and headphones
> simultaneously. Gnome audio settings still shows only the headphones
> as output device. I can than change Volume of "Headphones" and "Front"
> via alsamixer separately to get any mute/unmute combination I want but
> obviously this is neither comfortable nor compatible with any gnome
> extensions that would let me change output easily (like
> https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/906/sound-output-device-chooser/)
> I generated more Information with the alsa-info.sh script which can be
> found here:
> http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=9c9fd41a57760353f5989f85ae5b8e9185d1c2f6
> Any Ideas? 

Personally, I like to use pavucontrol (Pulse Audio Volume Control). 

I have 2 Audio Output Devices.  One is the built-in audio device on my
mother board, the other HDMI audio out on my nVidia card.  With
pavucontrol I can select which device I want a particular application to
use and I can mute and adjust volume individually.  My headphones are
out of order at the moment due to the cord being chewed by a cat and I
don't need it....but if I plugged it in I would have a 3rd output device
and could assign it on a per application basis.

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