On Wed, 7 Jun 2017 17:39:20 +0800
Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@greshko.com> wrote:

> On 06/07/17 04:49, Bob Marcan wrote:
>> Empty mail again. What is going on?  
> Well, it seems you are using Claws Mail 3.14.1 to access your mail.
> Maybe you should use the Web interface of gmail to see if there is a
> difference.  You seem to be the only one with the issue so I would
> expect the problem to be on your end.  :-)
I use claws mail and had no problem seeing this message.  I think Bob
didn't see it because claws doesn't allow html messages unless asked
to. There is an option to render them as text, which I have set, and is
probably why I saw it. Also, it is possible to click the bottom icon on
the right of the message, and if you have the html plugin for claws
installed, it will display the html message.
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