Well, the battery has been replaced this afternoon.  It took between 2 and 2 
1/2 hours.  The system seems to be functioning ok so far, but I haven't yet 
booted up in windows-7, and I haven't yet tried a "dnf upgrade".

Before I took the system apart, I checked the CMOS clock and the voltages 
reported by the motherboard in the UEFI BIOS display:
* CPU voltage varied, but was 0.98 +/- less than 0.01 volts.
* "3.3V Voltage" was 3.392 volts.
* "5V Voltage" was 5.040 volts.
* "12V Voltage" was 12.096 volts.
The CMOS clock seemed slightly slow compared to my "atomic" clock, but by less 
than 1 second.
I gather none of the voltages displayed was the battery's voltage; I could not 
find a battery state indication in any of the BIOS displays.  After the battery 
change was done, I checked the old battery with a battery tester.  It was well 
in the "green range".

I agree with the criticisms about ASUS making the battery so difficult to 
access on this motherboard.  I also found the USB 3.0 connector to be a 
problem.  The pins were too crowded, too close to the socket wall, and too 
easily bent.  I had to straighten out two of them, and it was difficult.  
Getting the plug into the socket took very careful and delicate alignment.

I hope to try the smartctl long test on the hard drive tomorrow.

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