On 05/31/17 07:40, Rick Leir wrote:
> How many people like me will have a machine out of action for a week
> because that piece of doco did not jump out at them? 

I would say an extremely small number.  Why?  Because the vast majority
would be installing a desktop and using the DM supplied with that
desktop.  If a desktop uses lightDM then it would have been installed
with the necessary greeter.  I don't think many go through the trouble
to install/change their DM.  And, since many/most/some folks installing
Fedora start with GNOME the pieces needed for lightDM are already there
should they choose to install it.

FWIW, I found that nugget of documentation in the LightDM - ArchWiki
which is the only link I followed after searching on google for
lightdm.  This I did after installing only lightDM and being faced with
a blank screen. 

> Ok, Fedora does not focus on being beginner friendly, other goals like
> leading edge virtualization are more important and actually that is
> what draws me.
> Anyhow, let's drop the issue for now, and see if anyone else twigs on
> these words in the future. Cheers

Sounds like a plan!

I'm jet lagged. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
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