On Fri, 26 May 2017 20:53:36 -0400
Wade Hampton <wadehampto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying out multiple video editors on Fedora, with very poor
> results and a ton of crashes.
> Anyone have recommendations on how to stablize one of these or can you
> recommend a
> video editor that just works (like kdenlive used to when I used it
> last a year ago)?

I haven't used a video editor for a while, but I found that avidemux
worked OK for the simple tasks I was doing (cutting out video).  I used
the qt version, though I think it comes in a gtk version as well.  At
least, it used to.

I've also done what Tom recommended, used ffmpeg to just truncate
video.  It can do really sophisticated things with filters, and
parallel pipelines, and sound.  But it is command line rather than
gui.  And to use it properly, I think I would have to be more
knowledgeable about video.

And I've meant to, but haven't got around to learning, and using,
blender. I think that might be overkill for your needs if they are
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