On Tue, 11 Apr 2017 11:26:40 -0700
Jonathan Ryshpan <jonr...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Interesting.  Are you running the Gnome or KDE desktop manager (or
> something else)?  I'm running KDE.  My own configuration is
>     4-core true Intel processor
>     8 Gb RAM
>     Fedora-25 up to date
>     KDE-5.8.6
>     Firefox-52.0.2-2.fc25

F25 up to date, same firefox, but AMD hardware, and I use LXDE started
with startx from multiuser (old runlevel 3).

> Firefox has problems with the system and with KDE's Plasma desktop.
> If I open too many tabs in Firefox, more than about 20, Firefox
> becomes extremely slow. Frequently when I quit Firefox
> plasma-workspace crashes.  Also it appears that the X-Server has been
> crashing, though it's difficult to tell exactly what has happened
> because without the X-Server the system is not accessible, so it
> could be any kind of system crash; it appears from the lights and log
> that some system activity continues, so I suspect the X-Server.

Can you not switch to a virtual console (Ctrl-Alt-F2), log in as root,
and look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log (the latest X log)?  If X crashed, it
should note why in one of those (if KDE is running X).  I'm not sure
where wayland logs its errors.

And you could try another desktop (xfce, mate, cinnamon, gnome, lxde).
It might be specific to KDE.  I'm not sure, but I think KDE defaults to
using wayland, like Gnome does.  I know that lxde is still X, and I
think, xfce, mate, and cinnamon are too.  And, I think it is still
possible to select X instead of wayland at the greeter for Gnome and

> I have not.  Right now I'm too lazy to put in the time (days) to
> compare stability of jonrysh (me) against phred (fictitious user).

If the problem is as frequent as you state, it should only take an hour
or two.  You seem to have a good handle on the activities that lead to
problems.  And you don't have to re-evaluate jonrysh, you already know
that is faulty.

But, it's your time, and your problem.  No skin off my nose if you
don't pursue it.  :-)

> My Firefox crashes are automatically sent to Firefox development.
> The link advises users of the bulletin board to also post their
> crashes there.

I read the below as asking for the ids so they can separate the
pertinent crashes from all the other crashes.  They probably have an
overwhelming number of crashes come in daily, way too many to examine by

copy the latest few report ids from there starting with bp- & paste
them here into a forum reply. this will give us a better understanding
what may be triggering those crashes.
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