On Wed, 2017-03-22 at 09:58 +0100, François Patte wrote:
> I did not say that things are to be done manually (but I think that it
> is easier and quicker to things manually and I regret that this option
> does not exist for the installer), I said that the graphical
> presentation is illogical because the hierarchy is: partition>raid
> devices>lvm as you can see using lsblk:
> ...[snip]...
> So using the installer for partitionning, once you have chosen a mount
> point you can find a dropdown menu where you can choose lvm (default)
> or raid (or btrfs...) and keeping in mind that raid is before lvm in
> the hierarchy, you naturally choose raid and you cannot have lvm after
> that... This is not a logical way! 

I can see *some* logic in doing it in the reverse order (what do you
want, how do you want it, where will it go), but I'd still prefer the
direction of select hardware, divide it up, allocate mounts.  Either
way, I think the process has to go continually in the same direction.

The one thing that makes some sense out of doing it backwards, is that
you not having to continually name things.  Doing it backwards, if I
wanted /boot, /, and /home, it could name (label) the partitions boot,
sysroot and home, name the volume group Fedora25, et cetera,
automatically, as it goes along.  Doing it forwards, I'd pick a drive,
partition it, name its volume groups by hand (if using LVM), name its
partition labels by hand, allocate mount points.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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I don't think it's pure coincidence that "officialdom" sounds the same
as "official dumb."

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