On Wed, 22 Mar 2017 17:07:49 +0100
Frédéric Bron <frederic.b...@m4x.org> wrote:

> I often experience very slow internet surf. No idea where it comes
> from, just that it started when I switched from opensuse to F25.
> Today, I may have obtained a clue:
> I normally use firefox.
> Today I got the following issue:
> - searched in google for "python os.path"
> - clicked on the first linked
> https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.path.html
> - nothing happened (tried many times)

As a point of reference, that site comes up almost instantly for me on
F25, running a custom compiled version of nightly (the rawhide of
firefox).  And also when I run the Fedora package version of Firefox
(current as of yesterday).

Given your description of what you've already tried to isolate the
problem, I think it is something in your web access, either DNS or
ISP.  Another possibility; when web response is slow here, it is
usually a traffic problem on the site I am accessing, that they are
slowing down because of heavy usage, but I doubt that is the case for
the python.org site.

I don't see how switching distros could cause this; maybe someone else
can think of a way.
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