On 03/04/17 19:19, Paul Smith wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 10:37 PM, Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@greshko.com> wrote:
>>> I have just installed Ibus typing booster, which does appear on the
>>> system tray, but it does not show up with word suggestions while
>>> writing a text on LibreOffice Writer, for instance.
>>> How should one activate Ibus typing booster?
>> Works for me.
>> You need to add the appropriate input method that includes the booster
>> function.
> Thanks, Ed. I did add Ibus as the input method, but with no progress.
> I may fill a bug report against Ibus.

Yes, but did you pick as one of your input methods "English-English US
(Typing Booster)"?  If you picked only  "English-English US" that is the
wrong one.

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