On 02/06/17 05:08, Stephen Morris wrote:
>     From what I've read, DKMS will compile the driver after a new kernel is 
> installed if
> the right parameter is supplied on the make command it has been told to use.
>     At boot time DKMS will run and check if the source modules it has been 
> told to build
> and install have been added to the running kernel and
> if not it will undertake those actions.
>     The situation that prompted this mail was where to test the auto
> build functionality in DKMS I forced the boot time building.
>     I've checked the /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms script and I'm not sure its 
> working
> properly (I will need to check what the autoinstaller is doing). It seems to 
> me that the
> autoinstaller is being run against the kernel identified by $kern_inst, which 
> without
> knowing what Fedora is doing, I would have assumed is set to the name of the 
> running
> kernel, which if I am correct it seems that DKMS is building the specified 
> module
> against the newly installed kernel headers and installing into the new kernel 
> (this is
> if the make parameter that identifies the kernel version to build against is 
> specified,
> which in my case is specified in dkms.conf).

You may want to try adding....


To the Unit portion of the dkms.service file.

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