On Thu, 2010-06-10 at 21:22 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> I've had boot problems for months and I'm trying to figure out if its
> the hard drive or a kernel problem.
> I just upgraded to F13.  I've been running F12 since it came out.
> Back in January, 2010 I began experiencing boot problems.  When I boot,
> grub will always run reliably but about 2/3rds of the time the kernel
> won't start running after you select it.  All I get is a blinking cursor
> on a black screen. 
> I've never not been able to get my computer to boot, but sometimes it
> takes 5 tries.  Sometimes it works the first time. 
> I never had any boot problems before it started in January. 
> I've checked the hard drive.  All the SMART data says the drive is fine.
> And grub has never failed to run.

Have you run memcheck?

> So is there something wrong with my laptop or is this a kernel problem ?

It would help if you mentioned your laptop make or model.


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