On 02/01/2017 01:57, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 1:01 PM, Mayavimmer <mayavim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 01/01/2017 18:39, Michael Schwendt wrote:
>>> On Sun, 1 Jan 2017 11:23:27 -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Jan 01, 2017 at 10:10:55AM +0100, Mayavimmer wrote:
>>>>> I tried to do an identical second install on the same machine, but the
>>>>> installer Anaconda gives an error about being unable to set a root
>>>>> partition.
>>>> This isn't _forbidden_, but it also isn't something we test offically —
>>>> and in fact I'm not sure if anyone has actually tested it ever.
>>> I do manual installs like that regularly. Hence the earlier requests
>>> for details.
>>> The original post doesn't give enough details. I could have answered
>>> "yes" to the $subject, and yet there might be installation scenarios
>>> where the installer fails. More details needed!
>> As soon as I can. I already gave some details in the other sister
>> threads yesterday.
>>>> So, while I don't see why it couldn't be made to work, I also am not
>>>> surprised to hear it doesn't.
>>> It's the opposite here. I'm surprised manual partitioning would fail. If
>>> you point the installer at usable partitions for / and /boot, why would it
>>> fail?
>> Same exact sentiment, sir. It's ok if the poor little AI in the
>> installer can't hack complexity, but don't mess with my sacrosanct right
>> to manually override everything.
> Well you really only get a true manual override with CLI installation.
> Any function in a GUI installer requires coding. Manual overrides
> involve some of the most complex coding, error handling, and sanity
> checks, with a very high degree of liability that I think it's not
> worth any GUI installer having such capability. The most reliable
> installer examples have essentially no options, and definitely nothing
> that really looks like a manual override such as what Anaconda offers.
> And yet they'll do what you're asking for.
> A literal manual override for everything is highly overrated, and with
> all the installer testing and bug filing I've done and looking at
> myriad use cases, it's just not worth it. It'd have been easier to
> just have a bunch of use case pop-ups for automatic partitioning
> presets.

I agree. I did not literally mean that you should have a gui and the
logic behind it to specify every existing option. I was merely
exaggerating a bit to drive home the point that I feel more manual
control is needed. I think the sweet spot goes something like this: have
a couple of fully automatic use cases covered, but then if you go
outside them disable the smart decision making -- just put any fs type
on any block device, even if considered stupid (/boot inside LVM, Btrfs
over LVM, root too small, stop fscking my 2TB drives, etc), chastising
the user with a warning, at most. It feels like we have two modes now:
full-auto and semi-auto, where I prefer full-auto and manual.

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