On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 7:22 AM, Dario Lesca <d.le...@solinos.it> wrote:

> Il giorno mar, 27/12/2016 alle 14.32 +0100, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Il giorno lun, 26/12/2016 alle 20.58 +0000, Schlaegel ha scritto:
> What would be a good course of action?
> After install a new Fedora 24, now 25, I do this step.
> sudo systemctl mask dnf-makecache dnf-makecache.timer packagekit
> packagekit-offline-update
> sudo systemctl stop dnf-makecache dnf-makecache.timer packagekit
> packagekit-offline-update
> rm -rf /var/cache/PackageKit/*
> And all still work.
> Another way to avoid that PackageKit download tons of package, which it
> will never use and never remove, is:
> sudo dnf remove PackageKit
> rm -rf /var/cache/PackageKit/*
> This remove also gnome-software, then, if you want a graphical software
> installer you can:
> sudo dnf install yumex-dnf
This is bad advice. Breaking gnome-software just to avoid updates from
being downloaded is the wrong hammer. Instead use,

[chris@f25h ~]$ gsettings set org.gnome.software download-updates false

Chris Murphy
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