On 26 December 2016 at 13:14, JUSTIN TAYLOR <jus...@swbell.net> wrote:

> I have a 3rd party app that use a Java GUI, so it won't run on a headless
> JVM.  I had it working until I installed a different app using dnf.  It
> overwrote my JVM with a headless one and now the Java GUI app is broken.
> Is there a way to install/register a non-headless JVM with Fedora so it
> won't keep installing the headless JVM?

I use a several Java applications, some headless, some not on various linux
distros + Windows +MacOS.  Over time, most apps have begun to provide their
own jvm.  The others use various mechanisms such as setting JVM_HOME or
editing a shell script to allow user to choose a suitable JVM.  I always
let the distro pick the "default" Java (e.g., openJDK), and install Oracle
Java when one of my apps needs something that doesn't work properly with
the distro package.  It is an annoyance that apps use different, poorly
documented, mechanisms to control which JRE is used.

https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Java says multiple Java versions should
coexist in Fedora (use alternatives to select the one you want to be active)

George N. White III <aa...@chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
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