On 11/27/16 16:20, Ed Greshko wrote:
That is why every system service has a location where a user can make changes to
configurations which will not be overwritten by updates.  In this case your 
changes should
be made to a file that you create in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.  It would also be 
helpful when
making user defined changes that you try to gain an understanding of the 
sequence in which
configuration files are processed.  Configuration files can be located in 
multiple places
and are normally parsed sequentially with the last instance of a given option 
being used.


Ok, I understand that. I made the changes to 10-evdev.conf as was suggestedmore than a year ago, assumed that just had to be.

So in the present case /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d should survive updates, but how would I determine the sequence in which the files are parsed? It looks to me like "conf.d" might be something to look for? /N/ext time I will ask ...

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
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