On 11/15/2016 10:35 AM, bruce wrote:
> Yo Rick!!!
> You are da mann!!! Owe you a six pac of OJ one of these days!

Heheheheh! OJ gives me heartburn. I'll take cranberry juice, though. ;-)

> I completely forgot about the changing IP on the remote client, means
> that while the ssh key is valid, the request for confirmation will
> occur for the "known_host" (iirc). So yeah I'll have to mod either the
> local or remote sshd/ssh config file for that..

Subtle things like that drive me crazy. Well, perhaps not a drive but a
short putt.

> As to the initial IP of the cloned droplets, I populate predata with
> that via the API that's used when generating the set of remote
> instances.
> I'll take a look at the tools you mentioned as well..
> Thanks much for all, for being another set of "eyes"!!
> Really do appreciate the comments.!!

That's what the list is for, my friend. Be warned, however. Sometimes
the solutions offered become giraffes--which are horses designed by

> On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Rick Stevens <ri...@alldigital.com> wrote:
>> On 11/15/2016 07:39 AM, bruce wrote:
>>> Hey!
>>> --This is offtopic from fed --
>>> Thanks to all who've commented on the SSH/screen issue! Think I got
>>> that part resolved.
>>> Now, in order to use the ipAddresses that have been generated for the
>>> droplets, need to get opinions/thoughts on apps to use to handle
>>> connecting to the different numbers of droplets/instances for the
>>> project.
>>> The following items are a kind of rough overview of what we're
>>> thinking needs to be done.
>>> We're looking at clusterSSH (even though it appears to need to be
>>> built from source!). Other thoughts/opinions on apps that might
>>> suffice would be good.
>> ClusterSSH is available from the standard repos, no need to build it:
>> [root@prophead ~]# dnf list clusterssh*
>> Last metadata expiration check: 2:18:20 ago on Tue Nov 15 06:48:02 2016.
>> Installed Packages
>> clusterssh.noarch               4.08-1.fc24             @updates
>>> Any tool we use, will need to initially handle ~50 droplets/instances,
>>> and scale to ~500-1000
>>> The tool should:
>>> - be able to fire up group(s) of servers based on ipAddress (type of
>>> droplet -fetch/parse/etc..)
>>> -be able to generate cmd to single/multiple
>>> -be able to display either single/group of terms based on ipAddress
>>> (single/group)
>>> -be able to group the term(ipAddress) -- single term/multiple term in
>>> the group(s)
>>> -be able to switch between the groups, which in turn display the terms
>>> for the group
>> cssh can do all of that, but once launched in interactive mode, you
>> can't "switch between the groups". If you use the /etc/clusters
>> mechanism, e.g. "cssh group-from-cluster-file", then the terminals for
>> all machines in that cluster will be displayed on your workspace. You
>> could have multiple workspaces and run a cssh for a different cluster on
>> each one and switch between workspaces. We do that a lot.
>>> The use case...
>>> -the crawler spins up a number of droplets/instances
>>> -the crawler generates the required ipAddresses and "groups" the
>>> ipAddresses, based on fetch/parse use
>> Uhm, if the droplets get different IPs each time, one of the first
>> things I'd have them do is figure out what their IP is and report it
>> to a database or something so it's known by your app.
>>> -All the "instances' are generated/cloned to have the required apps on
>>> the server in order to be fetch or parse - there's no need to
>>> upload/scp files to the remote instances
>> This is outside the spec of a terminal manager.
>>> Tool Requirements:
>>> -Nice if the termManagerApp is able to use config/xternal files to
>>> handle the ipAddresses to create groups as required
>>> -Nice if the termManagerApp is able to display terms in a given group
>>> -App has to handle external pub/priv key, all terms (cloned) have the same 
>>> key
>> That's a function of the access method. If the droplets regenerate ssh
>> keys and such each time they spin up, you'll have issues since the
>> ssh client will see a new host key each time you spin up a droplet.
>>> The termManagerApp needs to be able to display terms from the selected group
>>> TermManagerApp needs to be able to send same command to all terms in
>>> the displayed group
>>> TermManagerApp needs to be able to select a given term, and insert
>>> cmds to that term only
>>> Terms being displayed, should display "realtime" window update
>> cssh can do that.
>>> Nice if termManagerApp can display 20-50 terms simultaneously
>> With cssh, this is a function of your screen and font sizes. You'll
>> need a big screen and relatively small fonts. Too small for these old
>> eyes of mine.
>>> Basically, the tool/app will be used to allow the project to manage
>>> the multiple instances/VMs that are being run for the crawl.
>>> Project use functions requires:
>>>  -Running commands on remote servers
>>>  -Checking on the progress of the remote processes via the screen function
>>>  -Starting up/Shutting Down remote servers as needed
>>>  -TBD..
>> You may also want to look at pdsh/dshbak (available from the repos) to
>> send commands to remote machines. pdsh doesn't open windows as cssh
>> does, but sends commands and receives the responses back. The responses
>> are fed to dshbak to sort them into host order so they're not all
>> jumbled together. Other tools to look at are ansible and puppet (both
>> available from the repos) and there are others I haven't mentioned. All
>> of them have their uses and strengths and weaknesses and there really
>> isn't any one, single "best" solution. If there were, there wouldn't be
>> this plethora of tools. I think you'll find you use several, depending
>> on exactly what you're trying to accomplish at that particular time.
>> Note that the issues with ssh keys and such will rear their heads
>> regardless of what tool(s) you use. If you want password-less access,
>> each droplet needs to use the same ssh hostkey each time (and ideally
>> the same IP) or you'll need to set the /etc/ssh/ssh_config or
>> ~/.ssh/config file's "StrictHostKeyChecking" to "no" or "ask" (not
>> necessarily a good thing--it depends on your level of paranoia).
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> - Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
>> - AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
>> -                                                                    -
>> -                  Heisenberg _may_ have slept here                  -
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
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