On 11/11/2016 07:02 AM, bruce wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 1:33 PM, Rick Stevens <ri...@alldigital.com> wrote:
>> On 11/08/2016 10:00 AM, bruce wrote:
>>> Hey Rick!!
>>> Thanks for the reply...
>>> That was kind of going to be my thinking..
>>> I came across some apps that appear to be devOps related, one of which
>>> was ClusterSSH/Cluster SSH.
>>> As far as I can tell, it appears to allow you to setup the given
>>> ipAdress, as well as user to run the ssh connection as and the ssh
>>> ocnfig files, to allow the user to connect/access to the given term
>>> sessions for the remote instances.
>>> The app also appears to allow you to then run the different commands
>>> to the given systems. (Not sure if you can "package" the commands you
>>> want to run, so you can run group of cmnds to different groups of
>>> systems.)
>>> I'm currently looking at information on this, as well as a few others.
>>> My use case, has a bunch of vms on digitalocean, so I need a way of
>>> "managing"/starting the processes on the machines - manual ain't going
>>> to cut it when i have 40-50 to test, and if things wrk, will easily
>>> scale to 300-500 where I have to spin up, run the stuff, and then spin
>>> them down..
>>> Actually, it would be good to have a gui/tool to be able to implement
>>> the DO/digitalocean API to generate/create, run, create the snapshots,
>>> destroy, to save costs.
>>> Whew!!
>> Ok, what I suggested was really aimed at launching processes in the
>> background on a remote machine in a way where you could check on them.
>> ClusterSSH (a.k.a. "cssh") is a different beastie. It's a GUI tool that
>> allows you to open parallel ssh sessions to a whole bunch of remote
>> machines simultaneously. We use it a lot, as we have about 300 machines
>> in our data center broken into "clusters" that do specific things.
>> ClusterSSH opens a small terminal window for each machine so you can
>> see what's going on. You can enter commands for THAT machine in that
>> window as well. It also opens a "master" command line window, and
>> whatever you type into that master window gets sent to ALL of the open
>> windows. Fairly handy, but be REALLY careful, as sometimes (due to
>> network load, etc.) some keystrokes may NOT make it to all of the open
>> windows. This can be disastrous if you're, say, editing files and such.
>> cssh does offer a way to specify a command to be sent to all of the
>> windows by using its "-a" option. I'd imagine it'd be something like:
>>         cssh -a "screen -d -m -S firstsessionname 'command you wish to
>> run on the VM'" user1@ user1@
>> which should run that screen command on the two machines specified. I
>> can't speak to that too well. We don't typically use it like that--we
>> tend to use it in the interactive mode only.
>> I can give you examples of cssh usage (such as an /etc/clusters file
>> and such) if you want to go down that road.
>>> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Rick Stevens <ri...@alldigital.com> wrote:
>>>> On 11/08/2016 04:02 AM, bruce wrote:
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> Trying to get my head around what should be basic/trivial process.
>>>>> I've got a remote VM. I can fire up a local term, and then ssh into
>>>>> the remote VM with no prob. I can then run the remote functions, all
>>>>> is good.
>>>>> However, I'd really like to have some process on the local side, that
>>>>> would allow me to do all the above in a shell/prog process on the
>>>>> local side,
>>>>> Psuedo Processes::
>>>>> -spin up the remoter term of user1@
>>>>> -track the remote term/session - so I could "log into it" see what's
>>>>>   going on for the initiated processes"
>>>>> -perform some dir functions as user1 on the remote system
>>>>> -run appA  as user1 on (long running)
>>>>> -run appB  as user1 on (long running)
>>>>> -etc..
>>>>> -when the apps/processes are finished, shut down the "remote term"
>>>>> I'd prefer to be able to do all of this, without actually having the
>>>>> "physical" local term be generated/displayed in the local desktop.
>>>>> I'm going to be running a bunch of long running apps on the cloud, so
>>>>> I'm trying to walk through the appropriate process/approach to
>>>>> handling this.
>>>>> Sites/Articles/thoughts are more than welcome.
>>>> 1. Set up ssh keys so you don't need to use passwords between the
>>>> two systems (no interaction).
>>>> 2. Launch your tasks on the remote VM using screen over ssh by doing
>>>> something like:
>>>>         ssh user1@ screen -d -m -S firstsessionname "command you 
>>>> wish to
>>>> run on the VM"
>>>>         ssh user1@ screen -d -m -S secondsessionname "second 
>>>> command you
>>>> wish to run on the VM"
>>>> 3. If you want to check on the tasks, log into the VM via ssh
>>>> interactively and check the various screen sessions. I recommend setting
>>>> the screen session names via the "-S" option so they're easier to
>>>> differentiate.
>>>> That should do it. The items in step 2 could be done in a shell script
>>>> if you're lazy like me. :-)
> ------
> Hey Rick!!
> Thanks for the reply..
> Slowly slogging through this.
> My use case (for now) has DigitalOcean (DO) as the cloud provider. The
> project is working on the ability to be able to spin up/down 500-1000
> droplets as needed.
> DO provides the api, to create/delete the actual instances, so cost of
> the actual cloud usage can be handled. This is trivial.
> However, on the devops side, it appears that clusterSSH would/will be
> useful (needed), in order to be able to kind of manage/track the
> overall progress of the running apps on the droplets.
> I'm envisioning a process that allows:
> 1) The ability to use a "config" process to spin up the terms for the
> required droplets
>    -droplet would have user1:passwd1 and use sshkey
>    -droplet would have known ipAddress
>   -as the process/droplets change the required config file could be
> script generated

Uhm, that sounds like you'd use a PHP/Perl/shell script to me.

> 2) The ability to spin down the terms

Not sure what you mean there.

> 3) The ability to "see" the progress of the generated/viewed terms
>   -The assumption is if the Screen process is used to run the
>    remote processes, then when the term is reconnected via
>    clusterSSH --ssh - then the screen session can automatically be
>    attached, to then see the current status/process...

That's possible if you know the screen session name. If you start a
screen session by specifying the session name using screen's "-S"
option, be aware that only sets part of the session name. screen
prepends the PID of the screen session to the start of that name. In
other words, if I were to do

        screen -S rickterm -d -m "command to run"

the screen session would actually be named "PID.rickterm", where "PID"
is the process ID of the screen session (as shown by "screen -ls"). I
can re-attach to it by doing "screen -r -S rickterm" and detach from it
(leaving it running) by doing "CTRL-A, D" inside the screen session.
Just wanted you to be aware of the naming conventions used.

> 4) As the term is spun up, process needs to be able to do invoke/run
>   the remote process

When you launch a screen session and do not provide a command to run as
an argument to the screen command as I've shown above, screen just
starts a shell session. If you DO provide a command to run, note that
the screen session will terminate when that command completes unless
you run the command in a nohup session inside screen:

        screen -S rickterm -d -m "nohup command to run &"

> **Also/aside, need to be able to generate a remote cmd, to check if a
> given process is
>   running on the droplet -- This should be trivial once the clusterSSH
> stuff is nailed down,
>   use the same/similar process for generating the remote Screen
> app/sessions on the
>   remote droplets..

screen just provides a detached terminal, typically a shell session.
What you do inside that session is up to you, but understand that when
the commands end, so does the screen session.

> If the project is running 100-200 droplets, there's no way to check
> all the droplets within a gui on the desktop, so there should be a way
> to "view" 20-30 at a time...
> So... whatever you have regarding the clusterSSH/Screen session part, hit me 
> up.

The /etc/clusters (or ~/.clusterssh/clusters) file allows you to specify
"clusters" of machines. For example, we have 22 "ingest" nodes for a
specific purpose. Using cssh to open sessions for all 22 machines at
once makes each window pretty small on my screen, so I actually do them
in two groups of 11. My /etc/clusters file has these entries:

mioing-1 rstevens@ing1-r1 rstevens@ing2-r1 rstevens@ing3-r1
rstevens@ing4-r1 rstevens@ing5-r1 rstevens@ing6-r1 rstevens@ing7-r1
rstevens@ing8-r1 rstevens@ing9-r1 rstevens@ing10-r1 rstevens@ing11-r1

mioing-2 rstevens@ing12-r1 rstevens@ing13-r1 rstevens@ing14-r1
rstevens@ing15-r1 rstevens@ing16-r1 rstevens@ing17-r1 rstevens@ing18-r1
rstevens@ing19-r1 rstevens@ing20-r1 rstevens@ing21-r1 rstevens@ing22-r1

So, I can "cssh mioing-1" to open ssh terminals to the first 11
machines, and "cssh mioing-2" to open terminals to the second 11
machines. I could also do:

        cssh -a "top" mioing-1

that would open cssh sessions to the first 11 machines and run a "top"
command on each, with the top data showing up in their individual terminals.

Hope that helps.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
- Real Time, adj.: Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only -
-                        occurs there and then                       -
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