On 09/08/2016 11:43 AM, Ron Leach wrote:
> Running F23/XFCE, with firewalld, and having commanded:
> # systemctl start sshd.service
> /var/log/secure
> shows that sshd is opening port 22, and listening on .
> There is no entry suggesting a login attempt is received.
> In the XFCE GUI for firewalld, everything is running in zone labelled
> 'public'.
> - The network interface is bound to the zone 'public'
> - SSH service is enabled in zone 'public'
> - I've added port 22/tcp to the list of active ports in zone 'public'
> - 'Lockdown', and 'panic mode' are disabled
> These settings are the same in mode 'permanent' and in mode 'runtime'
> sshd config is set to listen on (and ::).
> Our LAN uses ipv4, in the range 192.168.0/24 .
> This machine is connected to the network, but I cannot log in to sshd
> from any machine on the LAN.  The client times-out after a few seconds. 
> Clients do not report a 'rejection'.
> If any list readers have any ideas about what else might need to be set
> up, or might be going wrong, I'd be very grateful to hear,

Have you tried to "ssh -vvv remote-ip" to see what's going on? You could
also run a tcpdump (or Wireshark) on port 22 of the machine you're
trying to connect to in order to get a trace.

The most common things I've found is that you aren't permitting the
authentication method you're trying to use in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config
file. By default, you should be allowed to log in via a username and
password. In the sshd_config file, the line is

        PasswordAuthentication yes

Note that if it's not in the sshd_config file, it's enabled. However,
I've seen a lot of systems where the "PasswordAuthentication no" is set
which would require one of the other authentication methods available to
be used.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
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