On Tue, Sep 6, 2016, 8:55 PM Jobst Schmalenbach <jo...@barrett.com.au>

> > boot parameter  "emergency" ?
> >
> > https://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Debugging/
> >
> > Title: Booting into Rescue or Emergency Targets
> > ...
> > If the rescue target will not boot either, the more minimal emergency
> target might.
> > ...
> I have tried the parameter "emergency" - it still ends up "cannot open
> access to console, the root account is locked" .
> I, too, tried different combinations of the kernel command line switches
> using both rescue and emergency.
> I, too, read the documents about the rescue switches, in the Fedora 23
> documentation under
> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/23/html/Installation_Guide/sect-boot-options-rescue.html
> it is set as "inst.rescue".
> I have no idea why this is happening - it used to be so easy.

Exactly how are you creating the media? And if you boot the first entry at
the boot menu without any modifications what happens? What about the basic
video option in the Troubleshooting menu?

Chris Murphy
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