On 09/06/2016 04:32 PM, CLOSE Dave wrote:
# dnf --allowerasing -y system-upgrade download --releasever 24
Last metadata expiration check: 0:23:15 ago on Tue Sep 6 15:53:47 2016.
Dependencies resolved.
Error: The operation would result in removing the following protected
packages: systemd.
Evidently, there are two systemd packages installed:
# rpm -q systemd
First do "rpm --rebuilddb" to make sure the rpm database is consistent.
Run "systemd-cat --version" to make sure you're currently running 229.
If so, then do "rpm -e systemd-222-14". Then try the upgrade again.
No new kernel was installed and the machine is running fine as F23. But
I'd like to get it upgraded...
I tried using "dnf history rollback" but that didn't work, reporting "A
transaction cannot be undone". Since dnf won't erase the extra stuff, I
can probably do it with something like, "rpm erase --force $(rpm
-qa|grep fc24)" but that seems iffy. Better suggestions are very welcome.
When the upgrade completes and if you still have extra packages, you can
try "dnf distro-sync" to clean it up. Make sure you carefully check the
list of packages that it's going to remove.
To find out what happened during the failed upgrade, run "dnf
system-upgrade log" to get a list of upgrade attempts. Then run "dnf
system-upgrade log <number>" to get the log.
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