Thank you, I   got  a good explanation...

But it is something that I yet don't understand:

The command (...) is composed both with

<*options* (-ld)>
               and with
<*argument* "/*" or "/*/">

In my acknowledge, both the arguments of these commands ( "/*" or "/*/")
refer to the *content of a directory*, and the -ld option should have to
select only the subdirectories.

Instead I get different output with "/*" or "/*/".

What happen really ?

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 12:25 AM, <c...@zip.com.au> wrote:

> On 23Aug2016 18:00, Markus Schönhaber <fedora-us...@list-post.mks-mail.de>
> wrote:
>> what is the difference between these two commands  ?
>>> ls   /*
>>>       and
>>> ls  /*/
>>> -------------------
>>> these two commands give me different output:
>>> ls -ld /*   =--->list all the files inside the directory (both files and
>>> subdirectories)
>>> ls -ld /*/   =---> give me the list of only the (subdirectory inside the
>>> directory)
>> The difference is not caused by ls but rather by the way the shell does
>> the filename expansion.
> In case it isn't clear, only directories will have stuff inside them
> (/a/b...) so /*/ will only match directries.
> BTW: If you're using bash, it will by default show you the expanded list
>> of filenames that match the pattern if you press Ctrl-X * when the
>> cursor is positioned directly after the pattern.
> And in any shell you can investigate this kind of thing like this:
>  echo /*
>  echo /*/
> and see exactly what command is dipatched like this:
>  ( set -x ; ls /* )
>  ( set -x ; ls /*/ )
> Using a subshell here purely so that the "set -x" applies only to the only
> command.
> Cheers,
> Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
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