On Sat, 2016-07-09 at 12:48 -0400, bruce wrote:
> the test users have the same gui/uid on both the nfs server as well as
> the client...
> I tested this, prior to setting the idmap process

I think you need to give some more info.  Your initial message seemed to
indicate that files were arriving as owned by user1 (as you wanted).
And I think you wanted files created by any other users to that space to
be virtually chowned to user1 as they transferred.  Did I get that

What I'm not sure about is where the files get owned by user1.  On the
server, on their own machine, or in multiple places?

And with another message, you mentioned some mounting parameters:

>> in the client fstab i have
>> #test to set the client nfs/mount
>> /cloud_crawl  nfs defaults 0 0  -o uid=600 -o 
>> gid=600

Firstly, I *think* you may be doing that backwards (I suppose it depends
which way the files are going).  

If you're trying to change ownership on files going onto the server,
then on the NFS *server* try to squash ownership down to your desired
ID, with the NFS exports configuration (see the man page about
all_squash, anonuid and anongid), rather than mount options (of which
some of the options can only be applied to certain filesystems).

Secondly, check that "defaults" does what you want (that the defaults
are the defaults you think they are).

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