System is F22 with Xfce

In the past, occasionally I would get what looks like a ScreenSaver popping over what I am viewing. It almost looks legit in content. It goes away if I <alt-tab> to another task then <alt-tab> back. QEMM seems to make it worst (running an 'old' F21/Xfce image there for a specific purpose).

Well with a recent update, I am now getting this flashing regularly. It make using the system very hard. It is much worst in my QEMM image than the main image.

I have looked at the Screensaver settings, and there is nothing there to indicate a problem. Plus I don't think it is really Screensaver which is set to lock the screen immediately (after 10 min of inactivity) which is not the case here.

Any idea where I should look? Yes, I know that I need to update to recent Fedora. That is on for later this week. I hope....

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