After upgrading to F24, I'm having the following problem.  I have KDE
Settings -> Power Management -> Energy Saving set to turn on "screen
energy saving" after 10 minutes.  This blanks the screen after 10 minutes
of inactivity, as expected.  (xset -q shows that DPMS is enabled, too,
of course.)

Previously, hitting the Alt key or clicking the mouse would bring back the
desktop quickly.  Now (on two different machines), it's not coming back.
But the machine is recognizing the keyboard--I've found that if I do
Ctl-Alt-F2 to switch to a virtual terminal, the monitor quickly shows the
login prompt, and I can go back to X on VT-1 and my Plasma desktop is
there. But hitting other keys (Return, Alt, random letters) doesn't seem
to wake it up.  The monitor acts as if there's no input from the
computer.  It's the DPMS Suspend state that's the problem; the display
comes back when it's in the Standby one.  One of the machines has screen
locking turned on but the other doesn't. 

These are both Dell Precision workstations with Intel integrated graphics,
in case that matters (one with a Dell monitor and the other with a Samsung
monitor).  I didn't (intentionally) change the settings until I started
trying to troubleshoot after the problem arose, so these should all have
been the same as under F23.  I did find an very old bug that might have to
do with this, with a comment from March (747162).  

I tried using xset to turn of DPMS; then the screen doesn't blank at all.
And the same sort of thing happens with the KDE settings version turned
off and DPMS on.  Disabling DPMS means the monitor stays on.  So it's
seems like it's really a problem with DPMS, not the KDE settings.  The
workaround of switching to a VT means this isn't urgent, but it is
annoying. What am I missing?


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