On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 16:59:29 -0000
"Matthew Colton" <mat.col...@web-xs.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> as the subject says my sound card stopped working after the update to
> F24. The sound card worked like a charm in F22 and F23.

That's certainly bizarre.  I don't have any guaranteed fix, just some

You could try unplugging the device, booting up, and logging in to X,
and *then* plugging in the device.  That might allow the GUI to
recognize it as belonging to you.

It seems unlikely, but it could be a bug in the audio driver in the
kernel, so you could try a different kernel.

The upgrade might have changed your configuration files associated with
sound.  So you could look for changed configuration files.

Did you make any other changes along with the upgrade?
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