The release number is a part of the kernel name. It takes a wee bit of knowledge
to parse it. For example mine contains "2.6.32-573.12.1.el6.x86_64" The ".el6"
is the effective release number (Enterprise Linux). In actuality it's Scientific
Linux SL6. The other suggestion gives me "Scientific Linux release 6.6
(Carbon)". (It's not quite time for me to go to 6.7. I am waiting a bit until
potential problems can be attacked with minimum affect on our work here.)
On 2016-06-27 14:48, Rick Stevens wrote:
On 06/27/2016 02:22 PM, jdow wrote:
uname -a
Joanne, that'll report the kernel version and such but not the
distribution release number.
That's odd. I believe that "dnf system-upgrade" pulls this stuff from
a file called /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade.json which contains stuff
such as system_releasever and target_releasever. It sounds like your
system_releasever is set to 24 in that file. If so, then system-upgrade
won't do it as it thinks you're already at that level.
You might be able to change that to "23" and rerun your command, but BE
WARNED! I've never done this and you could hose your system completely.
Is it possible you downloaded system-upgrade while you were pointed at
the rawhide repos and picked that one up instead of the production one?
On 2016-06-27 14:20, Jim Cromie wrote:
I installed Fc24 beta a month ago on a new laptop
Ive tried upgrading to 24-final, unsure Ive succeeded.
heres what I get now:
$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever 24
--allowerasing --best
Error: Need a --releasever greater than the current system version.
that error suggests upgrade completed.
$ sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot
Error: system is not ready for upgrade
that could be either because it isnt ready (for an unobvious reason)
or because its already complete, and not ready for F25 yet
Im pretty sure I ran this or similar shortly after final,
but I also ran it on several other boxes,
without keeping notes,
so not sure of current state (on any of them :-(
-d 7 seems to say Ive succeeded....
]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever 24
--best -d 7
timer: config: 3 ms
cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
Loaded plugins: generate_completion_cache, download, copr, reposync,
protected_packages, system-upgrade, noroot, config-manager,
playground, Query,
needs-restarting, debuginfo-install, builddep, langpacks
langpacks: No languages are enabled
Error reading file :
/var/lib/dnf/plugins/langpacks/installed_langpacks as it
does not exist
initialized Langpacks plugin
DNF version: 1.1.9
Command: dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever 24
--best -d 7
Installroot: /
Releasever: 24
Base command: system-upgrade
Extra commands: ['download']
Cleaning up.
Error: Need a --releasever greater than the current system version.
If youve succeeded in your install,
what happens if you do this ??
dnf system-upgrade reboot -d 7
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