On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:15 AM,  <ven...@billoblog.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Jun 2016, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a super annoying problem that is not Fedora specific, but it's
>> been driving me nuts for a few weeks. Any idea for a more appropriate
>> forum to post this in is as useful as an idea what's going on or next
>> steps.
>> [snip]
> I think this is a problem that comes up with Linksys routers in general, not
> just the WRT600N.  It used to happen to me with an older Linksys device, and
> I went through the "try changing the MTU, try changing the firmware, try
> resetting to factory..." etc.
> All that stuff.  Sometimes it would work for awhile, and sometimes it
> wouldn't.  If you go to the Linksys forums, it always seems to boil down to
> bad firmware -- whether ma nufacturere or dd-wrt for any number of models of
> products from this brand.
> The only thing I ever found that seemed to work for one person (it didn't
> work for me), was to shield cables or move the router away from the cable
> modem.  The claim was that it was electrical noise:
> http://www.speedguide.net/articles/router-speed-drop-solved-1885
> Other explanations I have seen include:
> 1) You are dropping a lot of packets because of noise and the router
> automatically drops down to lower bandwidth when that happens (my old DSL
> router did this all the time back in the day because I had a noisy phone
> line)
> 2) You are in an area where there is congestion on a particular channel
> (e.g. you live in an apartment and all your neighbors are simultaneously
> downloading porn and playing World of Warcraft 24 hours a day)
> And, I have to admit, when I looked at my router, it did follow a pattern of
> dropping increasing numbers of packets before it crumped.
> But mostly it was just Linksys/Cisco consumer product issues.
> See:
> http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=419398&sid=26a65103ddffd19c3588011d1a051faf
> http://community.linksys.com/t5/Wireless-Routers/Linksys-WRT600N-Losing-Download-Speed-it-appears/m-p/316019#M166240
> other models:
> https://community.linksys.com/t5/Wireless-Routers/WRT1900AC-dropping-2-4ghz-connection/td-p/827700
> https://community.linksys.com/t5/Wireless-Routers/WRT-1900-AC-Wi-Fi-Speed-Drops-Significantly-Requiring-Reboot/td-p/970227/page/3

Like I mentioned though, this happens with Intel NUC wireless directly
connecting to the AP. The WRT600N isn't involved at all.

Chris Murphy
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