What is your output for

$ aplay -l

As mentioned here https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1268786 ,
is there additional or update firmware/drivers you could install?

On 03/06/16 06:14, Mark wrote:
> Hi
> I recently updated my computer with a Asus z97a motherboard and a 
> i7-5775C processor with a Iris Pro 6200 GPU. That's the only GPU I have
> in the computer. Now the monitor that I use comes with integrated
> loudspeakers that I would like to use and if I connect my monitor with
> the motherboard over HDMI I have both video and audio. That's nice. But
> if I try to use DisplayPort instead I get no audio. The reason I would
> like have DP instead of HDMI is that the former can drive the monitor
> at 60Hz instead of 50Hz. In Gnome Settings -> Sound the options are the
> same regardless of which cable I use.
> Not the biggest problem in the world, but it would be nice to get some
> insight if this is a problem that can be solved?
> Also I get video over DP only with version set to 1.1 If I in the
> monitor menu switch to DP 1.2 the screen will just go black.
> --
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