On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 10:13 PM, Bill Perkins <bp...@grnwood.net> wrote:
> The problem I had was in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line in the
> /etc/default/grub file.  The first rd.md.uuid was supposed to be the
> uuid for the Linux RAID member disks that make up the mdraid devices
> from which you want to boot.
> The second rd.md.uuid that pointed to the RAID member disks used for
> the root filesystems and LVM was missing!

Yes, I figured it'd be something like that once I realized there
really were two mdraid arrays, but only one rd.md.uuid parameter.
What's curious is that its absence wasn't causing a problem before the

> Correcting both rd.md.uuid entries to reflect the correct devices
> in that file and running dracut -f before rebooting resolved my
> problem.

Well in the end that's all that matters.

Chris Murphy
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