What about this?



On Fri, 20 May 2016, Timothy Murphy wrote:

Rick Stevens wrote:

On 05/20/2016 10:35 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
I want to access System Settings=>Printers on my CentOS-7 server
from my Fedora-24beta laptop.
Is that possible?
If you set up the CentOS 7 box with a shared display accessible by
TigerVNC or Remmina or RDP or some other remote display mechanism.
Thanks for your response.

But do I really need to install software of this kind
to see System Settings?
I was hoping I could use ssh in some way.
Eg I can ssh into the CentOS box and run firefox or kmail.

You might try accessing the CUPS daemon via


Not quite the same, but you can see what the print subsystem is doing.
I have been doing that.
But as far as I can see, CUPS does not offer any way of seeing toner level.

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