Paul W. Frields wrote:

>> > I'm completely baffled by the failure to offer an index,
>> > with links to past articles.

> The Magazine is in fact a 
> blog format, not a periodical.  Therefore indexing would be somewhat
> counter-intuitive.

Definition of "magazine" in the OED (Oxford English Dictionary):
"A periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, 
often on a particular subject or aimed at a particular readership"

That seems to me to be an accurate description of the Fedora Magazine,
which appears regularly every week (I think), ie periodically,
and contains well-written articles by different authors.
That is not my idea of a blog.

I don't find anything "counter-intuitive" in an index,
particularly in a digital document.
I was looking for an article I recalled seeing in the Fedora Magazine,
and found the absence of an index, or indeed any link of any kind,
bizarre (as I said) and inconvenient.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

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