Allegedly, on or about 29 April 2016, Bob Goodwin sent:
> Xfce has what are probably the same 
> settings options and I use all the 
> appropriate ones for high contrast, text 
> size, etc. Wherever possible I choose 
> text not icons and white on black for 
> the text. However all of that has little 
> effect on Thunderbird and Firefox, even 
> Midori and SeaMonkey which I also use 
> where Firefox fails for me.

That may be because they use one of the other graphics engines, and XFCE
settings may not be applicable (totally or partially).  If I recall
correctly, those kind of applications tend to be Gnome/GTK.

> The remaining problem is that the 
> Thunderbird message text area seems to 
> have grown smaller over the years.

Yes, I've noticed that kind of malarkey when mum used to use it.  I
haven't been able to stand Thunderbird for many years, because of the
painful way it does a myriad of things.  Out of all the Linux clients
I've tried over the years, Evolution has been the least painful.  And
that's been my experience, not finding a good client, but finding the
least annoying.

> So I began looking for an alternative 
> e-mail application and thought Claws 
> might be a possibility but it presents a 
> different set of things to work around. 
> That and the fact that we are stuck with 
> a poor aspect ratio in the available 
> monitors. A larger monitor monitor gives 
> very little more room for text and I 
> tend to use only about 12 inches of 
> width for the message text to make it 
> easier for me to follow from line to 
> line with my vision ...

Just a thought, does using a monitor in portrait orientation work better
for you?  Emails tend to be longer than wider, and clients *may*
organise their display better in another orientation.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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