On 04/17/2016 11:28 AM, Jon LaBadie wrote:
With your own domain name you could also set up your own mail server
at least for the inbound email.  Doing that gives you an unlimited
number of "email accounts".  I'm currently approaching 400 aliases
to "jon".  If I start a new relationship with a vendor or a mail list
I create an additional alias.  My filtering pulls out various things,
like this list, and at the end splits into "jon" and "NotToJon".
I do roughly the same.  My outbound server is at my hosting company, and 
I use Port 587 and SMTPAUTH and I use MX records to direct my incoming 
mail to their servers.  I also have a "catchall" address for anything 
coming in that doesn't match a real email box.  If I start getting spam 
at an imaginary address, I just go into my settings at the hosting 
company and block that address.  It also means that if/when I change my 
ISP I don't have to change any of my settings because I don't ever use 
my ISP's servers.
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